Source code for pyhealth.datasets.cardiology

import os

import numpy as np

from typing import Optional, List
from itertools import islice

from pyhealth.datasets import BaseSignalDataset

[docs]class CardiologyDataset(BaseSignalDataset): """Base ECG dataset for Cardiology Dataset is available at Args: dataset_name: name of the dataset. root: root directory of the raw data. dev: whether to enable dev mode (only use a small subset of the data). Default is False. refresh_cache: whether to refresh the cache; if true, the dataset will be processed from scratch and the cache will be updated. Default is False. chosen_dataset: a list of (0,1) of length 6 indicting which datasets will be used. Default: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] The datasets contain "cpsc_2018", "cpsc_2018_extra", "georgia", "ptb", "ptb-xl", "st_petersburg_incart". eg. [0,1,1,1,1,1] indicates that "cpsc_2018_extra", "georgia", "ptb", "ptb-xl" and "st_petersburg_incart" will be used. Attributes: task: Optional[str], name of the task (e.g., "sleep staging"). Default is None. samples: Optional[List[Dict]], a list of samples, each sample is a dict with patient_id, record_id, and other task-specific attributes as key. Default is None. patient_to_index: Optional[Dict[str, List[int]]], a dict mapping patient_id to a list of sample indices. Default is None. visit_to_index: Optional[Dict[str, List[int]]], a dict mapping visit_id to a list of sample indices. Default is None. Examples: >>> from pyhealth.datasets import CardiologyDataset >>> dataset = CardiologyDataset( ... root="/srv/local/data/", ... ) >>> dataset.stat() >>> """ def __init__(self, root: str, chosen_dataset: List[int] = [1,1,1,1,1,1], dataset_name: Optional[str] = None, dev: bool = False, refresh_cache: bool = False): self.chosen_dataset = chosen_dataset super().__init__(dataset_name=dataset_name, root=root, dev=dev, refresh_cache=refresh_cache) self.root = root = dev self.refresh_cache = refresh_cache
[docs] def process_EEG_data(self): # get all file names depending on user-defined dataset dataset_lists = ["cpsc_2018", "cpsc_2018_extra", "georgia", "ptb", "ptb-xl", "st_petersburg_incart"] all_files = [] for idx in range(6): if self.chosen_dataset[idx] == 0: all_files.append([]) else: dataset_root = os.path.join(self.root, dataset_lists[idx]) dataset_samples = [] for patient in range(len(os.listdir(dataset_root)) - 1): #exclude RECORDS patient_id = "g" + str(patient+1) patient_root = os.path.join(dataset_root, patient_id) dataset_samples.append([i.split(".")[0] for i in os.listdir(patient_root) if i != "RECORDS" and i != "index.html"]) all_files.append(dataset_samples) #[dataset:[patient:[sample1, sample2...]...]...] #print(all_files) # get all patient ids patient_ids = [] for dataset_idx in range(len(all_files)): if all_files[dataset_idx] != []: for patient_idx in range(len(all_files[dataset_idx])): cur_id = "{}_{}".format(dataset_idx, patient_idx) patient_ids.append(cur_id) #print(patient_ids) if patient_ids = patient_ids[:5] # get patient to record maps # - key: pid: # - value: [{"load_from_path": None, "signal_file": None, "label_file": None, "save_to_path": None}, ...] patients = { pid: [] for pid in patient_ids } for dataset_idx in range(len(all_files)): if all_files[dataset_idx] != []: for patient_idx in range(len(all_files[dataset_idx])): pid = "{}_{}".format(dataset_idx, patient_idx) if pid in patient_ids: for sample in all_files[dataset_idx][patient_idx]: patients[pid].append({ "load_from_path": os.path.join(self.root, dataset_lists[dataset_idx], "g{}".format(patient_idx+1)), "patient_id": pid, "signal_file": sample + ".mat", "label_file": sample + ".hea", "save_to_path": self.filepath, }) return patients
if __name__ == "__main__": dataset = CardiologyDataset( root="/srv/local/data/", dev=True, refresh_cache=True, ) dataset.stat() # the number of records for the first patient keys = list(dataset.patients.keys()) print(len(dataset.patients[keys[0]]))