
Dataset is available at

The TUAB dataset (or Temple University Hospital EEG Abnormal Corpus) is a collection of EEG data acquired at the Temple University Hospital.

The dataset contains both normal and abnormal EEG readings.

class pyhealth.datasets.TUABDataset(root, dataset_name=None, dev=False, refresh_cache=False, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: BaseSignalDataset

Base EEG dataset for the TUH Abnormal EEG Corpus

Dataset is available at

The TUAB dataset (or Temple University Hospital EEG Abnormal Corpus) is a collection of EEG data acquired at the Temple University Hospital.

The dataset contains both normal and abnormal EEG readings.

Files are named in the form aaaaamye_s001_t000.edf. This includes the subject identifier (“aaaaamye”), the session number (“s001”) and a token number (“t000”). EEGs are split into a series of files starting with *t000.edf, *t001.edf, …

  • dataset_name (Optional[str]) – name of the dataset.

  • root (str) – root directory of the raw data. You can choose to use the path to Cassette portion or the Telemetry portion.

  • dev (bool) – whether to enable dev mode (only use a small subset of the data). Default is False.

  • refresh_cache (bool) – whether to refresh the cache; if true, the dataset will be processed from scratch and the cache will be updated. Default is False.


Optional[str], name of the task (e.g., “EEG_abnormal”). Default is None.


Optional[List[Dict]], a list of samples, each sample is a dict with patient_id, record_id, and other task-specific attributes as key. Default is None.


Optional[Dict[str, List[int]]], a dict mapping patient_id to a list of sample indices. Default is None.


Optional[Dict[str, List[int]]], a dict mapping visit_id to a list of sample indices. Default is None.


>>> from pyhealth.datasets import TUABDataset
>>> dataset = TUABDataset(
...         root="/srv/local/data/TUH/tuh_eeg_abnormal/v3.0.0/edf/",
...     )
>>> dataset.stat()