Source code for pyhealth.calib.calibration.temperature_scale

Temperature/Platt Scaling.

Implementation based on

from typing import Dict

import torch
from torch import optim
from import Subset

from pyhealth.calib.base_classes import PostHocCalibrator
from pyhealth.calib.utils import prepare_numpy_dataset
from pyhealth.models import BaseModel

__all__ = ["TemperatureScaling"]

[docs]class TemperatureScaling(PostHocCalibrator): """Temperature Scaling Temprature scaling refers to scaling the logits by a "temprature" tuned on the calibration set. For binary classification tasks, this amounts to Platt scaling. For multilabel classification, users can use one temperature for all classes, or one for each. For multiclass classification, this is a *confidence* calibration method: It tries to calibrate the predicted class' predicted probability. Paper: [1] Guo, Chuan, Geoff Pleiss, Yu Sun, and Kilian Q. Weinberger. "On calibration of modern neural networks." ICML 2017. [2] Platt, John. "Probabilistic outputs for support vector machines and comparisons to regularized likelihood methods." Advances in large margin classifiers 10, no. 3 (1999): 61-74. :param model: A trained base model. :type model: BaseModel Examples: >>> from pyhealth.datasets import ISRUCDataset, get_dataloader, split_by_patient >>> from pyhealth.models import SparcNet >>> from pyhealth.tasks import sleep_staging_isruc_fn >>> from pyhealth.calib.calibration import TemperatureScaling >>> sleep_ds = ISRUCDataset("/srv/scratch1/data/ISRUC-I").set_task(sleep_staging_isruc_fn) >>> train_data, val_data, test_data = split_by_patient(sleep_ds, [0.6, 0.2, 0.2]) >>> model = SparcNet(dataset=sleep_ds, feature_keys=["signal"], ... label_key="label", mode="multiclass") >>> # ... Train the model here ... >>> # Calibrate >>> cal_model = TemperatureScaling(model) >>> cal_model.calibrate(cal_dataset=val_data) >>> # Evaluate >>> from pyhealth.trainer import Trainer >>> test_dl = get_dataloader(test_data, batch_size=32, shuffle=False) >>> print(Trainer(model=cal_model, metrics=['cwECEt_adapt', 'accuracy']).evaluate(test_dl)) {'accuracy': 0.709843241966832, 'cwECEt_adapt': 0.051673596521491505} """ def __init__(self, model: BaseModel, debug=False, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(model, **kwargs) self.mode = self.model.mode for param in model.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False self.model.eval() self.device = model.device self.debug = debug self.num_classes = None self.temperature = torch.nn.Parameter( torch.tensor(1.5, dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device), requires_grad=True )
[docs] def calibrate(self, cal_dataset: Subset, lr=0.01, max_iter=50, mult_temp=False): """Calibrate the base model using a calibration dataset. :param cal_dataset: Calibration set. :type cal_dataset: Subset :param lr: learning rate, defaults to 0.01 :type lr: float, optional :param max_iter: maximum iterations, defaults to 50 :type max_iter: int, optional :param mult_temp: if mult_temp and mode='multilabel', defaults to False :type mult_temp: bool, optional :return: None :rtype: None """ _cal_data = prepare_numpy_dataset( self.model, cal_dataset, ["y_true", "logit"], debug=self.debug ) if self.num_classes is None: self.num_classes = _cal_data["logit"].shape[1] if self.mode == "multilabel" and mult_temp: self.temperature = torch.tensor( [1.5 for _ in range(self.num_classes)], dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device, requires_grad=True, ) optimizer = optim.LBFGS([self.temperature], lr=lr, max_iter=max_iter) criterion = self.model.get_loss_function() logits = torch.tensor(_cal_data["logit"], dtype=torch.float, device=self.device) label = torch.tensor( _cal_data["y_true"], dtype=torch.long if self.model.mode == "multiclass" else torch.float32, device=self.device, ) def _eval(): optimizer.zero_grad() loss = criterion(logits / self.temperature, label) loss.backward() return loss self.train() optimizer.step(_eval) self.eval()
[docs] def forward(self, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: """Forward propagation (just like the original model). :param **kwargs: Additional arguments to the base model. :return: A dictionary with all results from the base model, with the following modified: ``y_prob``: calibrated predicted probabilities. ``loss``: Cross entropy loss with the new y_prob. ``logit``: temperature-scaled logits. :rtype: Dict[str, torch.Tensor] """ ret = self.model(**kwargs) ret["logit"] = ret["logit"] / self.temperature ret["y_prob"] = self.model.prepare_y_prob(ret["logit"]) criterion = self.model.get_loss_function() ret["loss"] = criterion(ret["logit"], ret["y_true"]) return ret
if __name__ == "__main__": from pyhealth.calib.calibration import TemperatureScaling from pyhealth.datasets import (ISRUCDataset, get_dataloader, split_by_patient) from pyhealth.models import SparcNet from pyhealth.tasks import sleep_staging_isruc_fn sleep_ds = ISRUCDataset( root="/srv/local/data/trash/", dev=True, ).set_task(sleep_staging_isruc_fn) train_data, val_data, test_data = split_by_patient(sleep_ds, [0.6, 0.2, 0.2]) model = SparcNet( dataset=sleep_ds, feature_keys=["signal"], label_key="label", mode="multiclass", ) # ... Train the model here ... # Calibrate cal_model = TemperatureScaling(model) cal_model.calibrate(cal_dataset=val_data) # Evaluate from pyhealth.trainer import Trainer test_dl = get_dataloader(test_data, batch_size=32, shuffle=False) print( Trainer(model=cal_model, metrics=["cwECEt_adapt", "accuracy"]).evaluate(test_dl) )