Source code for pyhealth.datasets.sleepedf

import os

import numpy as np

from pyhealth.datasets import BaseSignalDataset

[docs]class SleepEDFDataset(BaseSignalDataset): """Base EEG dataset for SleepEDF Dataset is available at For the Sleep Cassette Study portion: - The 153 SC* files (SC = Sleep Cassette) were obtained in a 1987-1991 study of age effects on sleep in healthy Caucasians aged 25-101, without any sleep-related medication [2]. Two PSGs of about 20 hours each were recorded during two subsequent day-night periods at the subjects homes. Subjects continued their normal activities but wore a modified Walkman-like cassette-tape recorder described in chapter VI.4 (page 92) of Bob's 1987 thesis [7]. - Files are named in the form SC4ssNEO-PSG.edf where ss is the subject number, and N is the night. The first nights of subjects 36 and 52, and the second night of subject 13, were lost due to a failing cassette or laserdisk. - The EOG and EEG signals were each sampled at 100 Hz. The submental-EMG signal was electronically highpass filtered, rectified and low-pass filtered after which the resulting EMG envelope expressed in uV rms (root-mean-square) was sampled at 1Hz. Oro-nasal airflow, rectal body temperature and the event marker were also sampled at 1Hz. - Subjects and recordings are further described in the file headers, the descriptive spreadsheet SC-subjects.xls, and in [2]. For the Sleep Telemetry portoin: - The 44 ST* files (ST = Sleep Telemetry) were obtained in a 1994 study of temazepam effects on sleep in 22 Caucasian males and females without other medication. Subjects had mild difficulty falling asleep but were otherwise healthy. The PSGs of about 9 hours were recorded in the hospital during two nights, one of which was after temazepam intake, and the other of which was after placebo intake. Subjects wore a miniature telemetry system with very good signal quality described in [8]. - Files are named in the form ST7ssNJ0-PSG.edf where ss is the subject number, and N is the night. - EOG, EMG and EEG signals were sampled at 100 Hz, and the event marker at 1 Hz. The physical marker dimension ID+M-E relates to the fact that pressing the marker (M) button generated two-second deflections from a baseline value that either identifies the telemetry unit (ID = 1 or 2 if positive) or marks an error (E) in the telemetry link if negative. Subjects and recordings are further described in the file headers, the descriptive spreadsheet ST-subjects.xls, and in [1]. Args: dataset_name: name of the dataset. root: root directory of the raw data. *You can choose to use the path to Cassette portion or the Telemetry portion.* dev: whether to enable dev mode (only use a small subset of the data). Default is False. refresh_cache: whether to refresh the cache; if true, the dataset will be processed from scratch and the cache will be updated. Default is False. Attributes: task: Optional[str], name of the task (e.g., "sleep staging"). Default is None. samples: Optional[List[Dict]], a list of samples, each sample is a dict with patient_id, record_id, and other task-specific attributes as key. Default is None. patient_to_index: Optional[Dict[str, List[int]]], a dict mapping patient_id to a list of sample indices. Default is None. visit_to_index: Optional[Dict[str, List[int]]], a dict mapping visit_id to a list of sample indices. Default is None. Examples: >>> from pyhealth.datasets import SleepEDFDataset >>> dataset = SleepEDFDataset( ... root="/srv/local/data/SLEEPEDF/sleep-edf-database-expanded-1.0.0/sleep-cassette", ... ) >>> dataset.stat() >>> """
[docs] def process_EEG_data(self): # get all file names all_files = os.listdir(self.root) # get all patient ids patient_ids = np.unique([file[:6] for file in all_files]) if patient_ids = patient_ids[:5] # get patient to record maps # - key: pid: # - value: [{"load_from_path": None, "signal_file": None, "label_file": None, "save_to_path": None}, ...] patients = { pid: [ { "load_from_path": self.root, "signal_file": None, "label_file": None, "save_to_path": self.filepath, } ] for pid in patient_ids } for record in all_files: pid = record[:6] if pid in patient_ids: if "PSG" in record: patients[pid][0]["signal_file"] = record elif "Hypnogram" in record: patients[pid][0]["label_file"] = record else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown record: {record}") return patients
if __name__ == "__main__": dataset = SleepEDFDataset( root="/srv/local/data/SLEEPEDF/sleep-edf-database-expanded-1.0.0/sleep-telemetry", dev=True, refresh_cache=True, ) dataset.stat() print(list(dataset.patients.items())[0])